The outline programme for the event is:
Day 1
10:00 Introductions (to each other)
10.30 Review of the Permaculture Design Process, objectives and plan for event (with Angus)
11.15 Site observation and orientation
12.00 Interview with the Client, general Q and A
1.00 LUNCH
2.00 Clarification of the brief, work groups for the event
2.30 Group process starts, "Observation and Analysis" stage (Angus and team will supervise and facilitate)
3.35 Check in and forward planning
4.00 End of Day
Day 2
10.00 Group work continues, finalise designs, work on presentation.
1.00 LUNCH
2.45 Presentation of interim proposals to the Client. Response,
general discussions, integration with site concept design
4.00 - 4.30 Departures
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