We help and support apprentices who are working towards the Diploma in Permaculture Design. We are affiliated to, and regulated by, the Permaculture Institute of North Britain. We also support apprentices who are taking the independent route to the Permaculture Association (Britain) diploma. To be eligible for an apprenticeship, you should have a completion certificate for a 72-hour permaculture design course.
You may contact one of our staff for specific information about our diploma support system, or you may read firther here.
We have been working, with partners, on diploma support systems since 1998, and our diploma apprentices can take full benefit of this experience.You may read further about our history and our development strategy.
Our experience has led us to adopt a distinctive approach, based on the attitude of "the greatest effect for the least effort". In brief:
The criteria for the award of the diploma that we offer are those published by the Permaculture Institue of North Britain. Apprentices seeking accreditation from other awarding bodies, both in Britain and internationally, have also found our support services helpful.
A range of support materials for our apprentices is available here.
Our history - how we got here
Our development strategy - where we are going
Proposals for a new University - the Permaculture Academy
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