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Making payments and managing your account

How to report transactions and manage your account

The accounting service is available at

On the menu, towards the top right of the "home" page, select the "Login" option. Enter your (short) username and your password.

Then use the menu options to find out the details of your account and explore the service.


To pay someone from your account

Log in using you account username/ID and your password

"Accounts - Pay" brings up the payment form - you will need the account username/ID of the person you are paying - you can look this up.

"Accounts - Active" shows the state of all accounts, together with their names and usernames/ID's.


(More instructions will follow soon).

A note about passwords

Passwords are issued automatically in the form of an 8-digit PIN. At present, there is no way to personalise these.If you lose your password, you can request another, and it will be sent to the e-mail address that you registered with. The administrator never knows your password, so you cannot set a new password manually. All very secure. And a potential pain in the posterior for us ordinary users.

Since the current security threat to this system is deemed "low", we encouraging you to take the following actions (these may not be advisable where more on-line security is required).

  • keep your registration e-mails and tag them so that you can find them easily
  • write down your password number or save it in a handy text file so you can "cut 'n' paste" it when needed.


Any trouble? E-mail us.



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