Guided Learning Days 1 2 3 and 4
Guided Learning DAY 5
Soils and Life
CO - Day 5 Soils and Life
S&L - Life in Soils
S&L - The Soil Food Web
S&L - Life in Soil more
S&L - Soil Building in Nature - Succession
S&L - Agriculture, Horticulture and Soil
S&L - Soil Structure
S&L - Soil variations across Climate Zones
S&L - Polycultures in zones 1 and 2
S&L - 'Difficult' Soils
PD - Permaculture Design
PD - Design Exercise 'Risks and Events'
Guided Learning DAY 6
Soils and Cultivation
CO - Day 6 Soils and Cultivation
PD - Design and Systems
PD - Entropy and Syntropy
PD - Entropy and Syntropy continued
PD - The Elements of a Project
PD - Limiting factors in Design
S&C - Nutrients in Soil
S&C - Soil Indicator Plants
S&C - Nutrients tables
S&C - Plant Nutrients
S&C - Volcanic Ash and Evolution
S&C - Elements for Plant Health
S&C - Did trees evolve in volcanic dust which turned to soil?
S&C - The Nitrogen Cycle in soils
S&C - Polycultures Plant Guilds
S&C - Polycultures in Zones 1 and 2
S&C - Orchards and Forest Gardens
S&C - More on Plant Guilds
S&C - Plant Nutrients availability in Soils
S&C - Plant Nutrients availability continued
S&C - Soil Building in Zones 1 and 2: Composts, Fertilisers and Mulches
S&C - Composting Strategies
S&C - Polycultures in Zone 3
S&C - Soil as a Construction Material
S&C - Surveying Skills for Permaculture Designers part 1
S&C - Surveying Skills for Permaculture Designers part 2
S&C - Surveying Skills for Permaculture Designers part 3
Guided Learning DAY 7
Trees and Forests
T&F - Trees and Forests introduction
T&F - Trees and energy
T&F - Trees and Rain
T&F - Trees and Wind
T&F - Trees Planting Patterns
PD - Design, Systems and Pattern
PD - Design as a System
PD - Branching Patterns
PD - Orders of Form
PD - Cultivating in Climate Zones
PD - Tropical climates
PD - Woodland and Cultivation General
PD - Woodland and Cultivation Sub-tropical
PD - Woodland and Cultivation Temperate
Guided Learning DAY 8
Aquaculture and Wetlands
CO - Day 8 Aquaculture and Wetlands
PD - Design Methods Random Assembly
PD - Design methods Options and Decisions
PD - Design Methods Overlay Method
PD - Design, Systems and Pattern: Nets and Tessellations
PD - Design, Systems and Pattern: Webs
PD - Design, Systems and Pattern: Webs and Networks
PD - Design, Systems and Pattern: Emergence
PD - Climate and Landform
A&W - Aquaculture
A&W - A Systems Approach to Aquaculture
A&W - Edge and Aquaculture Polycultures
A&W - Edge and Aquaculture: Chinampas, Waru Waru and Padi
A&W - Fish in Aquaculture Systems
A&W - Hydroponics and Aquaponics
A&W - Ponds and Lakes Constructions
A&W - Aquaculture Conclusions
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