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III Virtual Learning Platform Permaculture Design Course

Guided Learning Days 5 6 7 and 8 


     Guided Learning DAY 9

     Design for Positive Social Change


CO - Day 9 Design for Positive Social Change

PD - Bioregions

PD - Economic Health

PD - Re-imagining Boundaries

PD - Permaculture Design Projects

PD - The System of Permaculture Design

PD - The Client

PD - The Brief

PD - Design Process

PD - Design Methods

PD - Learning from Good Building Design

PD - Design and Project Management

PD - Pattern - Edge 

PD - Edge - Mixed Media

PD - Boundary Layers

PD - Teamwork

PD - Leadership and Followership

PD - Patterns of Association

PD - Tested by Fire - group sizes in the military


     Guided Learning DAY 10

    Settlements and Communities


CO - D10 Settlements and communities

S&C - Settlements Patterns, Scales and Sizes 1

S&C - Settlements Patterns, Scales and Sizes 2

​S&C - Settlements Patterns, Scales and Sizes 3

S&C - Village Life 

S&C - Village Life - Food 

S&C - Village Life - Human nature and Education

S&C - Village Life - Basic Human Needs 

S&C - Village Life - "Human Scale Development" 

S&C - Village Life - Crafting Livelihoods

S&C - Right Livelihood

S&C - Right Livelihood continued

S&C - Spiral Dynamics - Social Evolution

S&C - Spiral Dynamics - Clare W Graves

S&C - Spiral Dynamics - Dave Cowan

S&C - Spiral Dynamics - Don Beck 

S&C - Tribal Organisation North America

S&C - Tribal Organisation Australia

S&C - Self Governance

S&C - Zero carbon Britain - Rethinking our future

S&C - Transforming the Urban Dream - David Holmgren

S&C - Alternative Nations -Bill Mollison

S&C - Enterprise Facilitation - Siroli

S&C - Growth and Scale - Greiner 

S&C - Chaordic Organisation

S&C - More


     Guided Learning DAY 11

    Community Finance and Transition


CF&T - Trees and Forests introduction

CF&T - Trees and energy

CF&T - Trees and Rain

CF&T - Trees and Wind

CF&T - Trees Planting Patterns

PD - Design, Systems and Pattern

PD - Design as a System

PD - Branching Patterns

PD - Orders of Form

PD - Cultivating in Climate Zones

PD - Woodland and cultivation

PD - Tropical climates

PD - Woodland and Cultivation General

PD - Woodland and Cultivation Sub-tropical

PD - Woodland and Cultivation Temperate


    Guided Learning DAY 12

  Design Projects and Completion 


ITPD - What is a Permaculture Designer?

ITPD - Permaculture Ethics

ITPD - The Parable of the Chicken

ITPD - Systems and Patterns in Permaculture 

ITPD - The Design Cycle

ITPD - Scope of Permaculture

ITPD - Food Systems and design

ITPD - History

ITPD - Future

ITPD - The Prime Directive of Permaculture

ITPD - Appendix 1

ITPD - Appendix 2

ITPD - Systems thinking approach to Permaculture Design

ITPD - Site analysis, Homestead Pattern and Zoning

ITPD - Natural Systems and Permaculture

ITPD - Energy Cycling in Nature

ITPD - The definition of Permaculture

ITPD - 'A Farm for the Future' documentary

ITPD - Appendix 3

ITPD - Appendix 4

ITPD - Appendix 5

ITPD - Appendix 6

PD - Systems and Design

PD - Introduction to Patterns in Nature

PD - The Spiral

PD - Spirals in Design

PD - The Functions of Spirals

PD - Permaculture Design: What motivated Bill Mollison?

PD - Site analysis by sectors

PD - Permaculture Design defined

PD - World climates and Biomes

PD - Other Climate factors to consider

PD - Global Wind Patterns

PD - The Water Cycle

PD - Permaculture Design Systems thinking

PD - More on the definition of Permaculture Design

PD - Some mnemonics for the Design Cycle

PD - Tools: Relative Permanence

PD - Permaculture Design

PD - Design Exercise 'Risks and Events'

PD - Design and Systems

PD - Entropy and Syntropy

PD - Entropy and Syntropy continued

PD - The Elements of a Project

PD - Limiting Factors in Design

PD - Design, Systems and Pattern

PD - Design as a System

PD - Branching Patterns

PD - Orders of Form

PD - Cultivating in Climate Zones

PD - Woodland and Cultivation

PD - Tropical Climates

PD - Woodland and Cultivation General

PD - Woodland  and Cultivation Sub-tropical

PD - Woodland and Cultivation Temperate

PD - Design Methods: Random Assembly

PD - Design Methods: Options and Decisions

PD - Design Methods: Overlay Method

PD - Design Methods Summary  

PD - Design, Systems and Pattern: Nets and Tessellations

​PD - Design, Systems and Pattern: Webs

PD - Design, Systems and Pattern: Webs and Networks

PD - Design, Systems and Pattern: Emergence

PD - Climate and Landform

PD - Climate and House Design

PD - Bioregions

PD - Economic Health

PD - Re-imagining Boundaries

PD - Permaculture Design Projects

PD - The System of Permaculture Design

PD - The Client

PD - The Brief

PD - Design Process

PD - Design Methods

PD - Learning from good building design

PD - Design and Project Management

PD - Pattern - Edge

PD - Edge - Mixed Media

PD - Boundary Layers

PD - Teamwork

PD - Leadership and followership

PD - Patterns of Association

PD - Tested by Fire: group sizes in the military


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