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I Virtual Learning Platform Permaculture Design Course

Course day-by-day is here.

Design guide is here.


     Guided Learning DAY 1

     Introduction to Permaculture (ITP)


CO - Day 1 Introduction to Permaculture

ITP - Welcome and brief introduction to the course

ITP - Origins of Permaculture

ITP - What is a Permaculture Designer?

ITP - Permaculture Ethics

ITP - 'The Parable of the Chicken'

        'A tale of two chickens'

        Principle of cooperation

ITP - Systems and Patterns in Permaculture


        Pemaculture Patterns

        Permaculture Attitude

ITP - The Design Cycle

ITP - Scope of Permaculture

ITP - Food Systems and Design across different climate zones

ITP - History 

ITP - The Future

ITP - The Prime Directive of Permaculture

ITP - Appendix 1

ITP - Appendix 2 


     Guided Learning DAY 2

​     Introduction to Permaculture Design (ITPD)


CO - Day 2  Introduction to Permaculture Design

ITPD - Systems thinking approach to Permaculture Design

ITPD - Site analysis, homestead pattern and zoning

           Social zoning

ITPD - Natural Systems and Permaculture

           What is ecology?

           Characteristics of natural systems

           What is an ecosystem?

           Ecological succession

ITPD - Ecology Case Studies

           Case study 1 'How wolves change rivers'

           Case study 2 'Mount St. Helen's'

ITPD - The Building Blocks of Life

           Our creation story

           The Sun and fusion

           The death of a star

ITPD - Energy cycling in Nature

ITPD -  The definition of Permaculture

ITPD - 'A farm for the future' documentary by Rebecca Hosking

ITPD - Appendix 1

ITPD - Appendix 2

ITPD - Appendix 3

ITPD - Appendix 4

ITPD - Appendix 5  

ITPD - Appendix 6 


       Guided Learning Day 3

       Water and Life


CO - Day 3 Water and Life

W&L - Water is essential for life introduction

W&L - Molecular structure of water 

W&L - The problem with water

W&L - Water permaculture strategies

W&L - The duties and functions of water

PD - Systems and design

PD - Introduction to patterns in nature

PD - The Spiral

PD - Spirals in design

PD - The functions of Spirals

PD - Permaculture Design, what motivated Bill Mollison?

PD - Site analysis by sectors

PD - Permaculture Design defined

PD - World climates and world biomes

PD - Other climate factors to consider

PD - Global wind patterns

PD - The water cycle


        Guided Learning Day 4

      Water in the landscape


CO - Day 4 Water in the Landscape

WL - Water for energy and transportation

WL - The Vortex

WL - Walter Lewis - Kevin's thunderstorm

WL - The Hidden Messages in Water - Masaru Emoto

PD - Permaculture Design Systems Thinking ​

PD - More on the definition of Permaculture Design

PD - Some Mnemonics for the "Design Cycle"

PD - Design Tools "Relative Permanence" 

WL - Hydraulics and Pneumatics

WL - Water in the Landscape

WL - Maps and Contours 

WL - Keyline planning

WL - Dryland Cultivation and Irrigation Strategies

WL - Climate and landform

WL - Climate classic landscape profiles

WL - Other relevant Climate topics


Guided learning days 5 6 7 and 8



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