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Designers' Event at Whitehouse Farm - advance information

The aim of the event is to suggest some ideas for developing the site as an example of resilient rural living, showing how the site can be converted into a more valuable resource for both people and for Nature.  Designs may form part of a submission to the National Trust, as landlords of the site.

This will be predominantly group work, led by a Northern School design team. General information about the design group work can be found here.

The first day will start at 10.00am on the morning of Saturday 25th March 2017. Participants will be able to choose which area they want to work on and what they want to do after the initial session.

Outline programme for the design work

Site information

Things to bring with you

Travel, directions and transport

To talk to us, phone Angus 07973 856528 or Kerenza 07974 422608


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