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Day 2 Course Outline - Introduction to Permaculture Design

Ecology and Natural Systems

Ethics and action through design (a review)

  • the parable of the chicken & the introduction to systems
  • monoculture to polyculture and agriculture to gardening
  • how is permaculture design different to other forms of design?

Analysis and placement, work and materials flow, relative location

Site analysis

  • classic homestead pattern and zoning

Our creation story

  • the basic elements of life, the universe (and everything)

Water, Carbon and the basics of life

  • hydrocarbons and carbohydrates
  • combustion and respiration
  • storage and release of solar energy in Nature

Basic Ecology

  • food web
  • trophic levels
  • succession

Characteristics of natural systems

Permaculture defined

Course organization

  • review, allocation of tasks


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