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The Pingle design weekend 7/8 March 2015

If you are unsure about anything, or need to contact us. please  phone Angus on 07973 856528.




Meet at The Bunk Barn, New Buildings Farm   Directions



Arrive at 10,00am on Saturday 7th March and work until 5.00pm approx. We aim to finish at 4.00pm on Sunday 8th



Overnight accommodation will be in The Bunk House at New Buildings Farm. Please bring pillowcases sleeping bags and towels.

You should also have outdoor gear, including boots, also a spare blanket, shawl or poncho.

Saturday and Sunday lunch will be provided, also a Saturday evening meal. For the good life, please bring your favourite breakfast items for Sunday, snacks or something to share, if you can.

Apart from your own clothing and personal comforts, most things on the following list will be provided. But if you have anything on the list to hand, and the capacity to bring it, then please pack the following items:

+ torch
+ tablet or laptop OR old-fashioned drawing equipment (preferred, as follows)
+ notepad

+ layout pad (or A3 size paper and tracing paper)
+ drawing materials including pens and coloured pencils
+ drawing instruments/flexicurve/french curves
+ clipboard and/or portable drawing board
+ compass
+ pocket calculator
+ indoor shoes or slippers
+ books and magazines to share for weekend library e.g. field guides
(plant/tree/bird/grass/insect identification), garden and orchard planting.
eco-building etc

+ a memory stick for shared information (high a capacity as possible
for video clips etc)
+ seeds and plant material to share (if you have excess in your own
+ musical instrument
+ info about your own site or projects, including diploma portfolio material -
advice and guidance will be given on request
+ ideas for additions to our checklist !
If you gave any more questions, just contact us by phone.


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