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New Buildings

The Pingle is next to New Buildings farm. There is no house on The Pingle, so you should head for The Bunk Barn on Taylors Lane.

The address is

New Buildings Farm,
Taylor’s Lane,
Ashleyhay, Wirksworth,
Derbyshire DE4 4AH

There's comprehensive directions on the website here. Maps too

Directions by car:

The postcode is for a wide area,  

Make sure you go to Taylor's Lane and not Lane End.
There's parking for about 7 or 8 cars, if anyone is in a 4x4 they can park in the Pingle!
Public transport:
If you let us know where and when you are arriving, we should be able to pick you up.
Nearest train stations are Cromford and Whatstandwell. Busses run from Matlock too 
There's no busses up to the farm from Wirksworth but shuttle runs could be possible where needed.
You can view the facilities at The Bunk Barn . Pillows and blankets are provided, but you should bring your own sleeping bag and pillowcase.



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