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a potential fate of committed people ... By Bill Mollison

The Parade, Hoylake

Built as a school in 1909, The Parade is now a thriving hub for the community hosting food fairs, conferences, film nights, meetings and is a centre for dance and music. The facilities provide a creative environment and well-appointed spaces for study and relaxation.


 The building is on the sea-front at Hoylake giving ample opportunities for "taking the sea air". Hoylake is also an excellent base for exploring local history and ecology.




Directions and travel information.



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Permaculture Zoning and "People Care"

"We can teach philosophy by teaching gardening but we cannot teach gardening by teaching philosophy."

Periodically, people remark on the lack of ‘spirituality’ in Permaculture writings and courses, even on the lack of attention to a ‘Zone Zero’ or concerns with human interactions.

About Lynne

Lynne In BalanceLynne sees the natural world as  an ally and teacher and this is expressed through her work with In Balance.
Lynne is currently working toward the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design with the Northern School and also supports Angus as an apprentice teacher.

She is often away visiting sites around the world, but she remains our contact for the Clitheroe area.

You can contact Lynne by e-mail or leave her a message on her In Balance site

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Paul Smith

Paul has always had a keen interest in nature and his natural surroundings. As a young boy in school he set up his own plant box scheme selling Lupins and Carnations he had grown at home to teachers after all the kids had gone home!



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