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Introduction to Permaculture Design Course

Introduction to Permaculture Design

Finding solutions in challenging times!


Are you wondering if there is a different way of engaging with life and living systems that would work for the benefit of all?

Are you looking for positive solutions to current environmental, local and global issues?

Permaculture design offers another way of responding to our current crises and in relating to the natural world around us; providing tools to reflect on and work with the complex patterns and systems we find in nature. These techniques can also be fruitfully applied to various aspects of our human lives.

If you are curious about what permaculture design is but are not ready to commit to the full Permaculture Design Course [PDC], this course is the ideal way to learn about what permaculture has to offer.

Over several sessions we will provide you with an introduction to permaculture design and a basic understanding of how whole systems thinking can be applied in ecological and genuinely sustainable design. By the end of the course you should be aware of some principles of permaculture design and a few tools which you can use to facilitate permaculture inspired initiatives in your community. We aim to empower people to design sustainable solutions for themselves and with others rather than simply follow current trends.

Course sessions, from 10 am to 4 pm:

Day 1: Saturday, 19th September 2020

Day 2: Sunday, 20th September 2020

We will have lunch breaks from 12 to 1 pm.  

You will also have the opportunity to complete a mini permaculture design project. Your tutors will be delivering the course sessions in real time online and you will have access to a virtual learning environment where you can interact with fellow students and your tutors.

We have considered the feedback received from you stating two full weekends attending a live, online course was too time consuming. So, we are scheduling the remaining live sessions every other evening during the following weeks before and after the mini design projects presentations on Sunday 4th October. You can attend these sessions live or access the recordings later. Additional presentations sessions will be scheduled, if necessary, according to the number of students wishing to complete and present an optional mini-design project.   

Reserve a place on this course

Course fee

This course is open to all regardless of previous experience or literacy levels.

The full fee for the course is £126 per person which reflects the true value of the course. Flexible payment plans are available.

Concessions are fixed at £63.

However, should you be very keen to complete the course and currently have limited funds please contact us directly to discuss further concessions which can be negotiated. We would like permaculture to be accessible to as many people as possible.

Book your place

We encourage you to confirm your place via payment as soon as possible as spaces are limited and our courses tend to be very popular. You can pay a first installment as a deposit or the full fee. Choose the payment option that suits you best here

Your teachers

The course will be led by Teresa Pereira and Marie Edwards with support from apprentice teachers Suzanne Clifton, Elsa Little and Sara Steeles.

For further enquiries

Please text Teresa on 07790 386 869, leave your name and query and we will contact you asap. Thank you!

We look forward to meeting you and working together to create a brighter future!



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