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Polycultures for Autumn and Winter

garden bed with a mix of ornamental and edible winter plants


Polycultures for Autumn & Winter


Saturday - 19.08.2023

10 am to 4 pm

Laudato Si Centre, Worsley, M28 2ND


The temperate climate and its short growing season challenge the cultivation of plants during the cold season. Nonetheless, with appropriate knowledge and planning, we can still grow plenty at this time of the year.

First, we will explore the secrets of polycultures by learning the underlying principles that create successful communities of plants, and how you can use those patterns to combine annual, and perennial, edible plants to mitigate the 'hungry gap', and develop an abundant and beautiful winter garden.

Hands-on activities:

  • preparing a new bed to plant an edible polyculture
  • planting a high density polyculture from seed with 7 to 12 different edible and medicinal plants that will provide leafy greens, edible flowers and root crops during autumn and winter. 

The day course fee is £60. Book your place.

If you need an alternative payment method, an invoice, or further info please email Teresa, or text your name and query to 07790 386 869.

The Art of Composting day course is a module on the Eco-Gardening Essential Training Course - EGET - a modular programme designed to bridge the knowledge gap between conventional landscaping, gardening and horticulture, and designing resilient eco-gardens and re-wilding projects. Learn more about the full EGET programme at Laudato Si Centre.

Other modules on the Ecological Gardening Essential Training Course:

Bookings are non-refundable but transferable. If the course date you are attending is canceled you can ask for a refund should you wish to.


organic matter and composting with worms using stack-able clay units to form a vertical wormery



Composting with worms


Saturday - 29.04.2023

10 am to 4 pm

Laudato Si Centre, Worsley, M28 2ND


Working with worms that turn organic waste into fine compost with ease and speed allows the eco-gardener to intensify seasonal cultivation strategies while replenishing and increasing soil fertility on an ongoing basis. We will build a wormery during this modular course, and learn how to design and implement different systems to compost with worms.

Hands-on activities:

  • building and installing a wormery
  • making worm towers to place in densely cultivated areas of the garden

The day course fee is £60. Registrations closed.

If you need an alternative payment method, an invoice, or further info please email Teresa, or text your name and query to 07790 386 869.

The Art of Composting day course is a module on the Eco-Gardening Essential Training Course - EGET - a modular programme designed to bridge the knowledge gap between conventional landscaping, gardening and horticulture, and designing resilient eco-gardens and re-wilding projects. Learn more about the full EGET programme at Laudato Si Centre.

Other modules on the Ecological Gardening Essential Training Course:

  • The Art of Composting, Saturday, 11.02.2023
  • Self-Watering Gardens, Saturday, 04.03.2023
  • Gardening with Trees and other Perennials, Saturday, 11.03.2023
  • Polycultures for Spring and Summer, Saturday, 01.04.2023
  • Polycultures for Autumn and Winter, Saturday, 19.08.2023 

Bookings are non-refundable but transferable. If the course date you are attending is canceled or postponed you can ask for a refund should you wish to.

Polycultures for Spring and Summer

Naturalistic planting in garden with annuals and perennials in flower


Polycultures for Spring & Summer


Saturday - 01.04.2023

10 am to 4 pm

Laudato Si Centre, Worsley, M28 2ND


From window box to market garden, you will learn how to design effortless planting schemes that nurture soil, wildlife, and people. First, we will explore the secrets of polycultures by learning the underlying principles that create successful communities of plants, and how you can use those patterns to design abundant edible and medicinal polycultures during the growing season.

Hands-on activities:

locating and preparing a new bed to plant an edible polyculture

planting a high density polyculture from seed with 7 to 12 different edible and medicinal annual plants (root crops, leaf crops, edible flowers and herbs).

The day course fee is £60. Registrations closed.

If you need an alternative payment method, an invoice, or further info please email Teresa, or text your name and query to 07790 386 869.

  The Self-Watering Gardens day course is a module on the Eco-Gardening Essential Training Course - EGET - a modular programme designed to bridge the knowledge gap between conventional landscaping, gardening and horticulture, and designing resilient eco-gardens and re-wilding projects. Learn more about the full EGET programme at Laudato Si Centre.

Book other modules on the Ecological Gardening Essential Training Course:

Bookings are non-refundable but transferable. If the course date you are attending is canceled or postponed you can ask for a refund should you wish to.

Gardening with Trees and other Perennials

Garden with naturalistic planting schemes including trees in the background and other perennials in the foreground in summer


Gardening with Trees

and other Perennials


Saturday - 11.03.2023

10 am to 4 pm

Laudato Si Centre, Worsley, M28 2ND


Explore how to apply the ecological patterns found in forests to design permanent edible and medicinal cultivated habitats. These patterns of cultivation can be applied to any scale, from a patio or balcony garden to any acreage; although the focus of this day course will be on urban settings, ranging from private to community garden spaces. Perennials, such as trees, are the structural engineers of the eco-garden, providing habitat and supporting biodiversity. Learn how to integrate trees with other perennials for long-term abundance, beauty, and carbon capture.

Hands-on activities:

  • preparing an area in the garden to plant and edible hedge.
  • planning planting schemes using a mix of perennials (and a few annuals) to plant the edible hedge's under layers with the aim of supporting the long term health of the trees and fruit bushes.

The day course fee is £60. Book your place. Registrations closed.

If you need an alternative payment method, an invoice, or further info please email Teresa, or text your name and query to 07790 386 869.

The Art of Composting day course is a module on the Eco-Gardening Essential Training Course - EGET - a modular programme designed to bridge the knowledge gap between conventional landscaping, gardening and horticulture, and designing resilient eco-gardens and re-wilding projects. Learn more about the full EGET programme at Laudato Si Centre.

Other modules on the Ecological Gardening Essential Training Course:

Bookings are non-refundable but transferable. If the course date you are attending is canceled or postponed you can ask for a refund should you wish to.

Self-Watering Gardens

gentle flow water stream leading to garden pond


Self-Watering Gardens


Saturday - 04.03.2023

10 am to 4 pm

Laudato Si Centre, Worsley, M28 2ND


In our temperate climate, we are blessed with an abundance of rain. However, we often get too much at times, and occasionally, when most needed, none at all.

Learn the theory and practice of efficient self-watering systems for any size garden. Drought proof your garden and go on holidays knowing your plants shall be well watered. Conversely, learn how these same methods can prevent soil erosion and flooding during rainy seasons.

Hands-on activities:

  • identify the watering needs of different growing areas to find out where to place open and closed self watering systems on site according to the water needs of different garden zones
  • working in groups to design a self-watering systems concept proposal that fits the present and future needs of the eco-garden.

The day course fee is £60. Book your place. Registrations closed.

If you need an alternative payment method, an invoice, or further info please email Teresa, or text your name and query to 07790 386 869.

The Self-Watering Gardens day course is a module on the Eco-Gardening Essential Training Course - EGET - a modular programme designed to bridge the knowledge gap between conventional landscaping, gardening and horticulture, and designing resilient eco-gardens and re-wilding projects. Learn more about the full EGET programme at Laudato Si Centre.

Book other modules on the Ecological Gardening Essential Training Course:

Bookings are non-refundable but transferable. If the course date you are attending is canceled or postponed you can ask for a refund should you wish to.

Art of Composting

compost in wheelbarrow to mulch garden veg and flower beds in spring


Art of composting


Saturday - 11.02.2023

10 am to 4 pm

Laudato Si Centre, Worsley, M28 2ND


Unlock the mysteries of soil to design efficient polycultures. Soil is the foundation of the garden. Learn how to identify soil types to better understand which planting schemes can be easily integrated on different sites.

To sustain long-term fertility in an eco-garden, the addition of organic matter as compost is essential. How would you design efficient composting systems that fit your site's needs, your lifestyle, and available time and resources? If you want answers, you will find them on this course day.

Hands-on activities:

  • collecting soil samples and performing low tech tests to identify soil texture and pH
  • auditing the needs of the site and available materials to define present and future composting strategies

The day course fee is £60. Book your place. Registrations closed. 

If you need an alternative payment method, an invoice, or further info please email Teresa, or text your name and query to 07790 386 869.

The Art of Composting day course is a module on the Eco-Gardening Essential Training Course - EGET - a modular programme designed to bridge the knowledge gap between conventional landscaping, gardening and horticulture, and designing resilient eco-gardens and re-wilding projects. Learn more about the full EGET programme at Laudato Si Centre.

Other modules on the Ecological Gardening Essential Training Course:

Bookings are non-refundable but transferable. If the course date you are attending is canceled or postponed you can ask for a refund should you wish to.



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