Polycultures for Spring & Summer
Saturday - 01.04.2023
10 am to 4 pm
Laudato Si Centre, Worsley, M28 2ND
From window box to market garden, you will learn how to design effortless planting schemes that nurture soil, wildlife, and people. First, we will explore the secrets of polycultures by learning the underlying principles that create successful communities of plants, and how you can use those patterns to design abundant edible and medicinal polycultures during the growing season.
Hands-on activities:
locating and preparing a new bed to plant an edible polyculture
planting a high density polyculture from seed with 7 to 12 different edible and medicinal annual plants (root crops, leaf crops, edible flowers and herbs).
The day course fee is £60. Registrations closed.
If you need an alternative payment method, an invoice, or further info please email Teresa, or text your name and query to 07790 386 869.
The Self-Watering Gardens day course is a module on the Eco-Gardening Essential Training Course - EGET - a modular programme designed to bridge the knowledge gap between conventional landscaping, gardening and horticulture, and designing resilient eco-gardens and re-wilding projects. Learn more about the full EGET programme at Laudato Si Centre.
Book other modules on the Ecological Gardening Essential Training Course:
Bookings are non-refundable but transferable. If the course date you are attending is canceled or postponed you can ask for a refund should you wish to.
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