Home of The Gathering Fields, the property is a tenant farm in the Over Wyresdale valley in the Trough of Bowland. It extends over 280 acres of upland with the highest point at around 150 metres above sea level (500ft). The income is mainly from traditional stock-farming, sheep and cattle.
The area is quiet with stunning views from the hillside and farmyard. There are no major transport routes running through - the easiest way to get there is by car through Dolphinholme (near Junction 33 of the M6 / A6).
The postcode is LA2 9DN
GPS 53.970224,-2.704318
If you are traveling by car, here are directions:
The Postcode is LA2 9DN
SatNav usually works, but it is easy to get lost in the network of small lanes on the way to Over Wyresdale and the Trough of Bowland. Detailed directions are linked below. They refer to the Google map of the area: but they also include descriptions of the junctions where it is easy to take the wrong turn.
The quickest way to get to site is from Junction 33 on the M6. Even from Clitheroe or Burnley, it is usually quicker to use the A59 or the M65 and then go north up the M6. There is a scenic route through the Trough of Bowland, but allow plenty of time and make a note of the directions.
Directions from the M6 and from the A6
Directions from Clitheroe (scenic route through the Trough of Bowland)
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