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Modular design course - days 11 and 12

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Day 11  Communtity finance and economic transition

“Community trading” and “community money”
Community economics and firms - "trinity of management" - project financing - share systems

- Open Source and Open Source Guilds - use of "Trust A / Trust B" model
Systems: Non-linearity in nature and society – “expect the unexpected”


Design projects – tutorial
Designing aid programmes effectively – lifeboats and flagships
--  barefoot and without a parachute - "Ripples from the Zambezi"
Patterns of patterns – a summary of the different types of patterns in nature, the "general model"


Day 12  Design projects  and completion

Design presentations - "to the client" - learning from each other


Feedback – stacking with design process and evaluation tools
What's next?   - Permaculture organisation local and global
- diploma programmes – participants' projects - local and global networks


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