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Directions to Parrs Wood Environmental Centre

This is a general map of the site (click to enlarge)

Driving, the easiest way to find the entrance to the Environmental Centre is to go round the Leisure Centre to the High School. Go past the High School where there is a large white-painted building to your right (the Sixth Form College).

Driving, once you are past the zebra crossing at the far end of the Sixth Form Building, turn immediately to your right and go through the gates. It looks like this (again you may click on the image to enlarge it):

The path and the sign for the Environmental Centre is at the far end of the beech hedge seen almost straight ahead. Drivers should not use the car park straight ahead, but turn right into the school grounds, then immediately right again, where they may park up at the back of the sixth form block and besides the basketball courts. There may be mini-buses parked there, but we can use spare spaces.

It is then a short walk back towards the entrance to pick up the sign and path to the Environment Centre. It looks like this:

The Centre is the multi-coloured building behind the trees.

Walkers from the tram stop find their way from the northern (top of the map) corner of the leisure complex ("Barlow Croft"), or from the railway station they can cut across the large Leisure Centre car park to the south and follow the directions for drivers, above).



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