This full Permaculture Design course, certificated internationally by the Permaculture Research Institute will run on one Saturday per month over 12 months. Although this course started on 3rd June 2023 it is not too late to join us at the next session on Saturday 1st July.
A full list of dates is available here. This course is also open on a modular basis.
The course will be held at the Manchester Road Community Arts Centre which is south of Bury Town Centre on the main road leading to Prestwich (North Manchester). This has good public transport links and is easily accessible from the M60 and M66 by car.
Reserve a place on this course
The course is open to all, regardless of any previous experience or literacy levels. We will follow the international guidelines to cover the course syllabus in full. Each person completing the course will get an internationally-recognised PDC certificate.
The content and teaching style is aimed at those wishing to apply permaculture in urban and sub-urban settings, as well as those in rural locations. The course content has a wide and flexible application, not only for home and garden design, but also for those wishing to apply the permaculture design techniques within their business or career. We aim to provide you with the tools to enhance and facilitate community-based projects of all kinds, including Transition Towns and Incredible Edible initiatives. Many of our students go on to set up permaculture-inspired initiatives of their own. You can read more about people who will benefit from the course.
The course will be led by Angus Soutar with support from Estelle Pircher and visiting teachers. Angus has rich experience of guiding and implementing permaculture design in a variety of commercial settings. He is keen to share this growing body of knowledge during, and after, the life of this course.
What will we study?
The aim is to help you to make the transition to a practical and peaceful future, in the way that you want it to. You can read more about the course topics here.
What will it cost and how can I pay?
The price for the complete course (12 days) is £600. Concessions and discounts are also available if needed.
The fee includes on-going access to our virtual learning environment
You may read more about our pricing policy and what you can expect from us. We are offering several ways to make this affordable for people on low income and, if the fee is difficult for you to find, you are encouraged to negotiate with us.
Reserve a place on this course
The course will be held at the Manchester Road Community Centre . Detailed directions are here. Public transport is convenient, there is also some free car parking. We can facilitate car-sharing or lifts with fellow students as the course gets underway.
We start on Saturday the 6th May 2023 and continues one day a month for 12 sessions in total, definitive dates will be confirmed shortly. The day starts at 10.00 am and finishes at 5.00 pm. We enjoy a shared lunch together in the middle of the day.
Day 1: 3 June 2023
Day 2: 1 July
Day 3 5 August
Day 4: 9 September
Day 5: 7 October
Day 6: 4 November
Day 7: 2 December
Day 8: 6 January 2024
Day 9: 3 February
Day 10: 2 March
Day 11: 6 April
Day 12: 11 May
Additional information
View some feedback from previous course participants
For further enquiries, contact Angus on 07973 856 528. You can also contact us.
Reserve a place on this course
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