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Permaculture design

Design Course at The Gathering Fields

** Postponed until 2019 - ignore dates - they will be re-confirmed **

Design Course at Hoylake, Wirral

Note: we have had to postpone the start of this course until later in 2018. The dates here will be changed- sorry for any inconvenience. Venue remains the same.

PDC in Kenya with Barefoot Soulutions

The Northern School is happy to recommend courses taught by our associate Tichafa Makovere. He is a very experienced teacher who works mainly in tropical and dryland environments. You can see details of the 2017 Barefoot Soulutions course below or visit their course page here.

Learn to live in abundance!

Intensive course template

This course is for people who want to shape the future and establish communities that care for the natural world.

PDC at Coed Hills, Vale of Glamorgan

This course is for people who want to shape the future and establish communities that care for the natural world.



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