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permaculture design course

The Northern School - Permaculture Design in Northern Britain


Please note that information about our courses and events is now available in a more up-to-date format at our booking website.


Otherwise, this site remains functional for the use of our students and graduates.

Courses and Events - New Website


Details of courses and events are now published on our new website.
Please go to


If you are already booked on a course, there will be more information for you at our Study Centre


Permaculture Design Course at GROWE, Oldham 2024

Permaculture observations in the suburbsThis full Permaculture Design course, certificated internationally by the Permaculture Research Institute will run on one Satu

Permaculture Design Course at Manchester Road, Bury

Information about this course is now published in a more user-friendly format, catering for all devices, here.

Please make all bookings there, through our new website.

Broadbottom Community Centre (Venue)



Broadbottom Community Centre
Lower Market St Broadbottom
United Kingdom
53° 26' 25.5336" N, 2° 0' 36.27" W



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