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Paula Moses

Paula graduated from the Bury PDC in January 2020. She is a primary school teacher and former headteacher, with experience of leading primary schools in Manchester and Tameside. She has left full time work to carry out a PhD into the primary curriculum at the University of Cumbria and also to learn about permaculture. Her main interests in permaculture principles and ethics, how they can influence the way we live our lives and permeate all of our interactions and relationships. She hopes to run courses for children in permaculture in the future.



Marie finished her PDC in July 2017 and was inspired to begin building a small community garden with her neighbours using principles from permaculture design at its foundation. She has since been involved with the development and production of our house journal "Northern Edge".

Andy Wynne

Andy graduated from the Bury course in January 2015. He also has a masters degree in Human Ecology from the Centre for Human Ecology. His main interests are concerned with relationship - the relationship with the Self, the relationships within the human community and the relationship between humanity and nature. He has wide ranging experience in matters relating to indigenous wisdom, community development, sustainable development and local economies.

He earns his living primarily advising social enterprises how to set up, thrive and maximise their social and environmental impacts. His work has  a range of related influences including Systems Thinking, New Economics, Sustainable Human Settlements, Biomimicry, Servant Leadership and Health and Wellbeing. He is particularly interested in the efficient use of time and energy when addressing social and environmental issues and therefore in the importance of design and a combination of tried and tested and innovative methods.

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Trevor Wynne

Trevor is an apprentice working on the Diploma in permaculture design with the School.  He runs his own business in landscape development and works-maintenance. He is a founder-member of the management group of Whalley Forest Garden. He is also the chair of Friends of Whalley Moor Wood. Trevor is the School's area contact for Whalley, Lancashire.

Krysia Soutar

Principal, Northern School of Permaculture

Krysia is currently developing educational support materials for the School. She has certificates from permaculture design courses with Andy Langford, Peppi Gauci (dryland permaculture Malta) and recently from Geoff Lawton at the PRI.  She has a Diploma in Permaculture Design awarded by the Permaculture Academy in the UK. She has spent many years working as a Teacher/Trainer in the Health sector and she holds a Cert.Ed awarded in the UK. She is the Northern School’s area contact for Darwen, Blackburn and Accrington. 


Krysia Soutar diploma

Krysia has had a varied career as a Registered Nurse working both in the UK and abroad. She has also worked as a Complementary Health Practioner.
She is also working on the development of the Permaculture Institute of North Britain.
In addition to work with the School and the Institute, she is participating in the development of Open Money in the North West of England.This has a direct impact on the School's bursary and payment programmes.


Krysia at the Worldwide Permaculture Network

Contact Krysia

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Teresa completed the PDC in 2014 and embarked on the Dip. in Applied Permaculture Design with the North Britain Institute in 2015. She co-teaches the PDC with Angus in Manchester and manages the School's Virtual Learning Environment. Teresa is our Northern School Events Coordinator and area contact in Central Manchester.

Angus Soutar

Principal, Northern School of PermacultureAngus is the school Principal and Chief Engineer. His "day job" is with a cluster of projects related to food security, affordable energy and community currencies. He is a qualified permaculture designer with over 25 years of work in applying the skills with a large diversity of clients.  He also has over 15 years experience in developing and running Permaculture Design Diploma programmes.


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