Want to attract more wildlife into your garden? Using nature as our guide we can promote and enhance our gardens to support a variety of wildlife.
Join us for a two-part workshop at the Laudato Si Centre eco-garden in Worsley, Manchester, where we will cover ecological principles in theory and in practice with hands-on activities planned for both days.
Topics we will explore are:
We will discuss practical methods and tips that can be implemented throughout the seasons.
Hands-on activities will include:
All the practical activities are carried out using inexpensive and free materials. These activities will support insects, birds, and small mammals alike and give you the confidence to replicate them in your own garden.
Teresa Pereira and Elsa Little will deliver this course. For over a decade Elsa has been involved and passionate about urban community green spaces and has helped design, implement and maintain several gardens. After completing both the Permaculture Design Certificate and Ecological Garden Design Course in 2020, Elsa transformed part of a community allotment into a Food Forest with the help of volunteers.
For four-years Elsa has worked in the UK as an ecologist carrying out protected species surveys with additional forestry experience. She loves to share her knowledge and enthusiasm about wildlife with others and believes that using Permaculture Design is a great way to do just that.
This workshop is run as a two-day course, however if you are only able to attend one session you can still participate. The cost of one session is £45, but you will be able to access the theoretical content from both sessions.
Saturday July 2nd & Saturday Oct 1st | 10.00 – 14.00 | £60
Full course fee, £60. FULLY BOOKED
Spring session fee, £45. Saturday, 2nd July. FULLY BOOKED
Autumn session fee, £45. Saturday, 1st October. FULLY BOOKED
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