Welcome to the 72 hours international Permaculture Design Course (PDC)!
We hope you enjoy your learning journey and, we would like to assist you as much as possible so that you find the experience beneficial.
The course curriculum is based on the 14 chapter's of the “Permaculture, A Designer's Manual” by Bill Mollison, which is the basis of the curriculum for all Permaculture Design Certificate Courses.
These notes are not the Course, they are supplements to the course days which you are expected to attend.
Angus Soutar is a qualified International Teacher of Permacuture. On successful completion of the course you will receive a recognised PDC certificate issued by the Northern School of Permaculture as well as a PRI (Permaculture Research Institute) certificate, provided you have attended all modules and completed an appropriate design project.
You the student
The course is designed to equip you with the understanding, knowledge and skills to become a permaculture designer. We are mindful that knowledge without action is meaningless, so we hope to inspire you to act upon this knowledge in the future.
There is a lot of information to take in, so you are expected to partake in your own self-directed study. We advise you to use this guide after you have attended the relevant formal course day. However you may use it at anytime to suit your own individual learning needs.
It is intended as a learning support for you.
This guide is in development and we welcome your input and any helpful suggestions will be appreciated. X
Good luck!