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Urban Gardening and Practical Permaculture Skills

Keep me posted.

Please contact me via the e-mail address I have given below regarding deposits, payments and joining information.

Self-watering systems *
Efficient composting systems *
Edible planting schemes for autumn and winter *
Edible gardening with perennials *
Design and plant a herb spiral (practical) *
Start willow weaving *
Tree grafting *
Wildlife gardening *
Edible vertical gardening *
Edible planting schemes for spring and summer *
Introduction to hydroponics gardening *
Introduction to aquaponics gardening *
How to preserve your garden produce *
How to grow your own medicines: herbal 1st aid box for common ailments *
Gardening with trees *
Vermiculture, how to compost with worms *
Introduction to beekeeping *
How to build a clay oven *


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