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Directions to Whalley Forest Garden

The postcode is BB7 9RH.

By road/footpath from the centre of Whalley

Travelling towards Clitheroe, turn left at the mini roundabout (to Mitton and the Railway Station)

Go past the station entrance (on your right) and under the railway bridge.

Turn right immediately after the bridge, take the left fork towards the Tennis Club but go past the club house towards the cricket field. Go past the cricket ground (now on your left). The forest garden is dead ahead, park up before the trees. Meet by the shipping container/tool store.

By train from Blackburn and Manchester: walk down the ramp and when you reach the road, turn right and you are at the entrance to the cricket ground. Then follow the directions above. From Clitheroe: turn right once you are out of the station, walk down the road until you meet the main road, turn right under the bridge and immediately right again into the playing fields. Then follow the directions above.



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