Our main focus at present is on the quality of our outputs (what does someone have to demontrate before they can be awarded with the diploma) - with the standard at accreditation.
We will work alongside our colleagues in the Permaculture Institute of North Britain to achieve the following:
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Ensure that our vision, goals and outcomes for the diploma are compatible with other regions across Europe and beyond (before engaging in any further discussions about harmonising system designs!) |
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Agree criteria and good practice for Design Support Tutors and agree standards for their accreditation/recognition as such |
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Liaise with other regional networks such as PA(B) and the |
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Conduct a survey of apprentices and tutors to inform the design of any improvements to the system |
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Continue the development of the people within our work-net. |
Quality of process comes next. But before quality assuring process we also need to agree on:
● what the processes are
● how to determine their quality.
However, discussions on quality of outcomes will help to build consensus. Permaculture Institutes across Europe are ready to have this discussion, which make it even more timely.
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