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Devolve Seminar September 2013

Angus Soutar from the Northern School was fortunate to be invited to attend the Devolve Futures Seminar in Oxford, Middle England, on the 28th September 2013. The day was quite intensive, with around 20 people making some kind of presentation. Nevertheless, proceedings ran smoothly, under the skilled  guidance of Andrew Langford from the Gaia University .

Angus enjoyed delivering the opening presentation, an irreverant "Cook's Tour" of housing and communities, past, present and future. An extended copy of the presentation slides, together with useful links, is available futher down this page.

Many thanks to Woody and the Devolve team, also to the welcoming Friends Meeting House.

For further information, e-mail Angus


Angus's presentation The Future of Housing (pdf )

Michael Collins “The Great Estate: The Rise and Fall of the Council House” (BBC4 website)

Adam Curtis “The use and abuse of vegetational concepts (video on Vimeo)

Stewart Brand “How Buildings Learn (video on YouTube, also a book)
Robert C McNetting “Unequal Commoners and Uncommon Equity” article in the Ecologist (pdf)
Richard Miles “Ancient Worlds” (BBC4 website)
David Holmgren “on the Endurance of Suburbia” (video on YouTube)


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