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Build relationship

We have a system that attracts talented and committed people, often with considerable knowledge and skills that are in-valuable to us. The beneficial relationships between individuals within the work-net can act to reduce the feeling of isolation, and provide sources of support that are otherwise lacking. We can draw on previously successful patterns such as apprenticeship. (Hence our preference for “apprentice” as opposed to “student”). Progression of apprentices can be rapid - there is much to do and a shortage of skilled people to do it.. The situation is urgent, but we cannot afford to rush if we are to establish a system of enduring quality. For we are all apprentices in this uncertain venture. There can be no substitute for “serving your time” (or, as we used to say in the music business, “paying your dues”). We have, at least, made a start and can celebrate the speed with which some apprentices have completed their pathways successfully and become a significant resource for others.

We need money to make progress, but there is a permaculture approach to doing business:

● We have to know when to invest and when to harvest. As tutors, we have a sense
of obligation to our students, we are investing in the future, and we have to be
careful of harvesting too much for ourselves, too early. In return, tutors can get all
manner of support from their apprentices

● We prefer to avoid passive consumption. This puts a duty on apprentices to be
active in the system and to support their tutors in whatever ways they can. In
return, students can reduce some of their cash outgoings, if they so wish.
This encourages a sense of community and the strengthening of relationships. The
outcome is flexibility and the development of skills around valuing, negotiating and
identifying multiple yields.




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