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Northern School of Permaculture

The Northern School - Permaculture Design in Northern Britain


Please note that information about our courses and events is now available in a more up-to-date format at our booking website.


Otherwise, this site remains functional for the use of our students and graduates.

RHS Bridgewater Pre-Opening tour

RHS are creating the biggest gardening project in Europe, a new 62 hectare garden, the Bridgewater, at Worsley opening in summer 2020. This visit is a great chance to see the work in progress and review the design proposals for this fascinating site.


Incredible Farm (Wallsden site)

This describes the first incredible farm site at Wallsdem.

Parrswood Environmental Centre

The Parrs Wood Environmental Centre is on the outskirts of Didsbury, South Manchester.

Our staff

You can find out about the Northern School staff, and how to contact them, using this guide.  Any member of staff will be happy to talk to you about our activities. The new map is in development here.


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