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Mulching at Summerbottom Permaculture Garden

 Registration is closed for this event
A chance to get together and practise eco-gardening skills.

Summerbottom Mulching Days, from 11 am to 2 pm. 

Please join up for one or two days of work outside where we will be mulching an area in preparation for a new 'foragers edible hedge garden' in the Spring at a small site in Broadbottom. 

What to bring

  • warm clothes
  • any tools for cutting back shrubs
  • packed lunch 

What to expect:

  • Three hours of fun mulching with like-minded individuals - learning about how to prepare a space for Spring planting. 
  • a chance to spend time at Summerbottom which is nestled in beautiful woodlands, just outside Manchester.

You can make a small cash donation of about £3 to £5 on the day, or alternatively via a debit or credit card. After booking your place, you will receive an email confirming your registration. It contains further info on how to make a donation via card. Donations are optional and help with running costs, such as providing refreshments. Thank you.

October 24th, 2021 11:00 AM through October 25th, 2021 2:00 PM
1 Summerbottom
Tameside, SK14 6BP
United Kingdom
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