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Talk: Defund the Universities

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'Defund the Universities' with Angus Soutar

Universities are unrecognisable from their predecessors of 50 years ago, let alone 500. They have largely lost their way and are no longer no longer fit for purpose. This is a tale of two Tonies: Tony Benn with the "White Heat of Technology" and Tony Blair's "Education, Education, Education", homed in on socialist fantasies. We will look at how their bastard progeny has become a Frankenteins monster astride modern Britain, stirring up a new Class War and diverting us from securing a common sustainable future.

In response, Angus will unveil his plan for Defunding the Universities. This will require no government action, just a good standard of education for all!

March 25th, 2021 6:30 PM through  8:00 PM
On-line with Zoom
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Single ticket £ 5.00
Donation £ 3.00
Pay Later £ 0.00

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