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Talk: Lessons from the Luddites

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Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.


   Just over 200 years ago the Luddites saw what was coming - the destruction of their livelihoods, their communities and the very land itself. Their protests were carried out with remarkable organisation and restraint; their solidarity was more important than their sledgehammers. But ultimately they failed - new technologies were imposed with the help of the overwhelming power of the State.

   As another wave of disruptive technology crashes into us, what can we learn from their efforts? And how do we re-create those lost communities?

December 3rd, 2020 6:30 PM through  8:00 PM
On-line with Zoom
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
single ticket £ 5.00
pay later £ 0.00
donation £ 3.00

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