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Polycultures for Spring and Summer

 Registration is closed for this event

Unlock the secrets of working with plants to design abundant, low-maintenance edible gardens.

From window box to market garden, you will learn how to design effortless planting schemes that nurture the soil, wildlife, and people.

First, we will explore the secrets of polycultures by learning the underlying principles that create successful communities of plants, and how you can use those patterns when gardening.

After you will apply these principles in practice by looking at case studies and tackling design briefs to create polycultures that benefit plants, people, wildlife, and the environment.

There will be time for you to ponder how you can harness this knowledge to gear into action with confidence in this upcoming growing season.

Day Course fee £48 – Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

This is one of a series of ecological gardening day courses and workshops in the upcoming Spring and programme.

* a limited number of concessions are available upon request (contact us via the website form for this educational programme)


February 12th, 2022 10:00 AM through  3:30 PM
1 Summerbottom
Tameside, SK14 6BP
United Kingdom
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Workshop Fee(s)
Polycultures for Spring and Summer Day course £ 48.00

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