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Autumn Social 2022

 Registration is closed for this event
A chance to get together, network and celebrate.

This year's autumn social event will be in Prestwich (north Manchester). It will be informal and family-fiendly. There will be no charge for the event, but you need to book so that we can get an idea of numbers.  The event will be free but  you are asked to bring food and/or refreshments to share. Our host will be Safina Ahmed who lives in Lower Kersal area (between Salford and Prestwich). The exact address will be sent to those who register here.

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We expect that the event will function as a Northern School reunion, a reception, and a drop-in, with celebrations and plenty of discussion on the way forward for permaculture in the Northwest.

September 17th, 2022 2:00 PM through  6:00 PM
To be advised
United Kingdom
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