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Talk: Onward into the Darkness

 Registration is closed for this event
Angus Soutar starts our Autumn Winter season of weekly evening talks with some questions about the winters that lie ahead. Are we ready for them?

    We have all the processes and technology to create a sustainable future and the expertise of permaculture design to pull everything together. But our projects are operating in a hostile environment. We need to pay close attention to their viability and use our personal energy wisely.

"It is unlikely that aliens will arrive from Outer Space to help us in our current predicament. Likewise, we must abandon ideas of help from Westminster, let alone places further away. We are on our own. The question is, "How do we respond to this inconvenient truth?"  Let's talk about it!"

Warning: This talk may contain opinions that some people might find offensive.

November 5th, 2020 6:30 PM through  8:00 PM
On-line with Zoom
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
single ticket £ 5.00
pay later £ 0.00
donation £ 3.00

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