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Self-watering Systems

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Learn the theory and practice of efficient self-watering systems for any size garden. Drought-proof your garden and go away knowing your green spaces shall be well watered.

We are fortunate enough to live in a temperate climate with plenty of rainfall.

Yet most home, community, and market gardens demand constant watering during the growing season. How can we optimize watering systems?

There is an art and science to water retention in the landscape. It is all a matter of understanding how water flows, and how to slow and direct that flow to nurture plant life.

Well-designed self-watering systems lessen workloads and support the development of healthier polycultures.

This day course is an opportunity to learn the theory and practice of efficient self-watering systems. You will learn how water moves through landscapes and how we can mimic these patterns to suit site-specific conditions. After you will explore how to apply the principles learned to design efficient self-watering systems.

One day course £48 – Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

This is one of a series of ecological gardening day courses and workshops in the upcoming Spring programme.

* a limited number of concessions are available upon request (contact us via the website form for this educational programme)

March 5th, 2022 10:00 AM through  3:30 PM
1 Summerbottom
Tameside, SK14 6BP
United Kingdom
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Workshop Fee(s)
Self-watering Systems Day course £ 48.00

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