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The Art of Composting

 Registration is closed for this event
There are many ways to compost but which way suits your lifestyle and garden better? Close the loop on waste and learn how to make your own ‘black gold’ in a way that works for you.

During this day course, we will first look at how soils form and work; in order to understand how soil functions in nature. Healthy soils support a huge diversity of life forms which in turn support the development of healthy and nutritionally denser plants.

There is more than one way to compost and after learning about the many ways in which composting can happen, you will attempt the design of composting strategies for different settings.

Waste not, want not, as the saying goes, so you will learn how to make your organic waste useful to your gardening activities by designing the most effective composting strategy with the resources you have available locally.

One day course £48 – Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

This is one of a series of ecological gardening day courses and workshops in the upcoming Spring programme.

* a limited number of concessions are available upon request (contact us via the website form for this educational programme)

February 26th, 2022 10:00 AM through  4:00 PM
1 Summerbottom
Tameside, SK14 6BP
United Kingdom
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Workshop Fee(s)
The Art of Composting Day course £ 48.00

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