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The Northern School - Permaculture Design in Northern Britain


Please note that information about our courses and events is now available in a more up-to-date format at our booking website.


Otherwise, this site remains functional for the use of our students and graduates.


"Permaculture Design is the first system of conscious, functional, design in the world. That's its unique aspect - its functional design is sustainable."

Bill Mollison (1928- 2016)

Find out more in this short video from the originators

News, Reports, Articles, Reflections

The latest issue of our Journal "Northern Edge" is published here.  Full of updates, features and details of "What's on" at the Northern School.  Ask for notification of the next publication here.

Up and coming

Our courses and events are now published on our updated website. Please visit us there!

Catch up / complete your design course

Many of our design courses are modular - see available days.

What the students say: graduates from a previous Design Course at Chorley talk about the course:

Graduates from our 2014 PDC course at Chorley talk about their projects and how the course has helped them


Video release "Agriculture vs Permaculture" from Jack Hill featuring interviews from the Northern School.

The oldest permaculture food forest in Britain  - from our friends Graham and Nancy at Coldstream in Scotland


Our guild has links to other guilds and organisations who acknowledge the power of "open source" working:

Permaculture Research Institute - the PRI is pre-eminent coherent authority on world-wide Permaculture The PRI has accredited our Permaculture Design Certificate course (PDC) and we are seeking closer working relations with them

Permaculture Institute of North Britain - a guild of design practitioners that regulates the Northern School

CommEnt CIC - a community interest company based in the North West of England. A supporter of our School and the North Britain Institute.

Pennine Food Links - a social enterprise providing healthy local food in the Central  Pennine region

Permaculture in Maurituis - projects and co-operatives from our associates in the Indian Ocean

Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) Africa - we are working with them to develop holistic training and cultural exchange across continents and climate zones

Permaculture Research Foundation Malta - originators of the key permaculture mediterranian drylands project "Bahrija Oasis"

Permaculture Association (Britain) - we are members of this charity promoting permaculture in the UK

Open Money



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