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Who cares?

Our students care. They care about the way the world is and how it will be. They care about what is happening to our planet. And they care about what they are going to do next.

Our students are ready to embrace a changing world. They share the desire to make a better life for themselves and those around them. They show  a keen interest in Permaculture Design and a willingness to learn more about it.


They are learning how to make small changes as they go about their daily business, changes that add up over the days and weeks. They are learning how to think clearly in spite of all the confusion that surrounds them. They are discovering their inner creativity.

Our students come from all age groups and a broad range of backgrounds and occupations. Many work in community projects (often unpaid) and some run their own business, or would like to start one. It is difficult to recognise them as "students" - they wear no uniforms., there is no selection process and no "monitoring".

They care, so we care. We strive to make our courses accessible and affordable, as far as we can do so without external support. Our courses are designed to be modular and there are a variety of formats to suit your needs.





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