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Broadbottom Community Centre (Venue)


The Broadbottom Community Centre is a modern building on the main road through the village that is home to pre-school activities in the village as well as the usual social functions.

The venue has full disabled access.

Phone number for the Centre is 01457 764423


Going downhill along Lower Market Street, the Centre is on your right just after you pass under the railway bridge. (See map )

BY CAR: Broadbottom is not far from the Hyde end of the M67. Once in Broadbottom, find the train station (see map) where you may be able to park all day for free.

BY TRAIN: After leaving the train, walk out onto the main road which is uphill from the station.

Walk down the hill beside the main road. You will pass the Harewood Arms on your right. Look for the railway bridge crossing the road. The Community Centre is situated on the right immediately after the bridge.  There is a small garden at the roadside just beyond the entrance.

To find out about disabled access, contact us.


Lower Market St
near Hyde
SK14 6AA
United Kingdom

longitude: -2.010075
latitude: 53.440426 


Broadbottom Community Centre
Lower Market St Broadbottom
United Kingdom
53° 26' 25.5336" N, 2° 0' 36.27" W


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