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Open Day at Brindhurst Farm

 Registration is closed for this event
An Open Day at Brindhurst Farm in Cheshire, helping with the development of the property and looking at further designs. There is no charge for this event. Please book your place using the "Register now" button.











This the next in a continuing series of development days following the successful Design Event held in early 2018

The event is open to all – for newcomers it is an exciting chance to learn about what permaculture can offer. The day will be spent in mainly practical work to help develop the site, If you are a permaculture certificate-holder, you can also contribute to the further design of the site and also take the opportunity to discuss your existing design work and projects with the sitel team.

The main intention is to plant up some fruit trees and bushes in the orchard and through the matting that is covering the forest garden, do some mulching and also plant up the asparagus bed if all goes to plan.

There will, of course, be plenty of time for a wander around to see how things are developing and to discuss future plans.

We’ll provide coffee/tea on arrival and lunch for everyone as previously.


April 13th, 2019 11:00 AM through  4:00 PM
Brindhurst Farm
Macclesfield, SK11 0NA
United Kingdom
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