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VLE Permaculture Design Course
DAY 6 Soils and Cultivation
Day 6 Course Outline - Soils and Cultivation
DAY 6 Systems and Energy
DAY 6 Entropy and Syntropy
DAY 6 More on Entropy and Syntropy
DAY 6 The Elements of a Design Project
DAY 6 Limiting Factors in Design
DAY 6 Nutrients in Soil
DAY 6 Soil Indicator Plants
DAY 6 Nutrient Tables
DAY 6 Plant Nutrients
DAY 6 Volcanic Ash and Evolution
DAY 6 Elements for Plant Health
DAY 6 Did trees evolve in volcanic dust which turned to soil?
DAY 6 Nitrogen Cycle in Soils
DAY 6 Polycultures Plant Guilds
DAY 6 Polycultures in zones 1 and 2
DAY 6 Orchards and Forest Gardens
DAY 6 More on Permaculture Plant Guilds
DAY 6 Plant Nutrients availability in Soils
DAY 6 More on Plant Nutrients availability in Soils
DAY 6 Soil Building in Zones 1 and 2 with Composts, Fertilisers and Mulches
DAY 6 Composting Strategies
DAY 6 Polycultures in Zone 3
DAY 6 Soil as a Construction Material
DAY 6 Surveying Skills for Permaculture Designers Part 1
DAY 6 Surveying Skills for Permaculture Designers Part 2
DAY 6 Surveying Skills for Permaculture Designers Part 3
‹ DAY 5 Design Exercise 'Risks and Events'
Day 6 Course Outline - Soils and Cultivation ›
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