Here are some more comments from previous participants in the permaculture design course, after receiving their completion certificates from Angus Soutar
"Fantastic, thank you for an excellent fun and informative 6 months. Right, I'm off to do some observation and experimentation now." Colin (Oldtown 2009)
"I have learned so much, and I know that this is only the end of the beginning!" Sarah (Oldtown 2009)
I had a wonderful time - and I leasned something, too!
Ana (Oldtown 2009)
Thank you for the learning experience I wish I had received at school and for the most amazing start to a journey that I know I will be on for the rest of my life. Thank you Permaculture and thank you Angus. Emma Leaf-Grimshaw (Bolton 2011)
Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge in such an entertaining way. Martin
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