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About our Virtual Learning Platform

Terms and Conditions of Use

The Virtual Learning Lab pages are restricted to students and graduates of the 72 hour permaculture design course. Materials published here may be subject to copyright and any viewing and downloading must be for purposes of private study only. Even where material is not copyright, you should adopt a "copyleft" approach where you only copy material where there is full attribution to the source and the original publisher, leaving any publication details of the document unaltered. The text above constitutes a licence to use the materials.

Please help us with the attribution of the materials used - we would like to know the source of any unidentified material here and acknowledge the work and rights of those who created it. You are welcome to help with re-publishing and improvement of the information by leaving notes in the comments section at the bottom of each page.

Angus Soutar for The Northern School of Permaculture


The Northern School of Permaculture would like to thank the following who assisted in preparing these materials.

Edited and prepared for web by Teresa Pereira

Compiled and edited off-line by Krysia Soutar CertEd, DipPermDes


Angus Soutar

Teresa Pereira

àgata alcañiz

Chris Derby

Asmelash Dagne



The Northern School of Permaculture/CommEnt CIC assert the right to be identified as the authors of these materials.

The materials are licensed to the reader subject to “fair use” restrictions. Re-publication in whole or in part for private gain will automatically terminate this licence.


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