On Saturday 31st May we will have another Northern School "Grand Day Out" to the Offshoots project in Burnely in the morning and Whalley Forest Garden in the afternoon, ending up in the summery open air of the Ribble Valley near Clitheroe. All are welcome to attend. There will be a charge to include lunch and the tour of Offshoots.
Morning and lunchtime:
Tour of the Offshoots project, Towneley Hall, Burnley. Offshoots is home to numerous activities around the theme of sustainability, and the visit will include a demonstration from the native bee project.
Book your place here. (There is a fee of £15 for the day which includes lunch). Places for the tour and lunch are limited to 15. Children are welcome as usual and under 16 years old can attend free, however do let us know on the registration form. As space is limited. There is a small extra cost for lunch per child.
A few concessionary places are available, contact Teresa.
Directions: It is a long walk into Towneley Hall through the park. Those coming by car with spare spaces could help meet people at Burnley Manchester Road Railway Station. Let us know if you are coming by train and want to be met at the staion. Some SatNavs don't work. You may have to pay for parking at Townely Hall on Saturdays (you do, during the week). See details of car park charges.
More directions to Offshoots. Note: If you are arriving by car, the Barwise car park is safer, cheaper and more accessible (entrance further up Todmorden Road from the park entrance, on your left, near the golf club). There is a pleasant 5 minute walk downhill through the woods towards the Hall - we will be in the the walled garden over on your right, on a level with the Hall, with the entrance directly opposite the Hall.
After lunch we will go to Whalley Forest Garden , a new but fully-permasculture designed community resource on the outskirts of the village of Whalley in the Ribble Valley. Directions to Whalley Forest Garden
All are welcome. Come along to meet old friends, or to make new ones.
Contact Angus
Contact Teresa
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