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"Barefoot surveying" involves gathering information on a piece of land without the need for expensive instruments and formal training. 

What will we do?
  • gain practical experience of gathering information to make base maps and site plans on a working site
  • learn how to use simple methods and instruments such as ‘A’ frames, water levels, pacing and compass work to determine distances, angles and contours for base-mapping.
  • evaluate the accuracy for the methods used, and judge how accurate they actually need to be for the purposes required
  • gain a basic knowledge of measurement and accuracy
Who should be there?
  • anyone interested in learning about land-based design using cost-effective and appropriate technologies.
  • those who want to learn the rudiments of basic surveying in order to be able to create the base maps needed to make accurate planting plans, or as an aid to more complex design work.
  • people interested in Transition Towns, Permaculture and other modern approaches to a “low carbon” future, and who want some idea of what that means in practice
  • graduates of the permaculture design course who want to work on their design portfolios – this includes those considering the diploma or those already on their diploma pathway
  • those who are considering going on a permaculture design course and who want to know more before they start

Surveying at Greave House Farm


Measuring distance by pacing






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